Tuesday, January 5, 2010

No resolutions ... Just Change

I thought of starting and maintaining my blog from 2010... but thanks to my stupendously conked off laptop, I had to write on the 5th day of the new year. I don´t wanna make this a cooking site, an information site, a daily diary for god´s sake... just things that appeal to me .. things that make simple people like you and I .. so complicated.... so difficult ... so pretentious at times.

Today while I was reading The Universal Message of The Bhagwad GIta ..which is full of such wonderful sayings... I do not know why ... I repeatedly ..and now for the 4th time running,I started unknowingly from the same page and read the same lines...
" Avyaktadini bhutani vyaktamadhyani bharata
Avyaktanidhananyeva tatra ka paridevana"

-- " Beings come from the unseen, in between they become the seen, and they return also to the unseen, what is there to be worried about?" ---

..Meaning, all beings are avyakta, "unmanifest" in the beginning, Vyakta , manifest in the middle and avyakta again in the ned. This is a very famous utterance. Verse 29 of the Gita talks about the tremendous splendour of the the soul, The atman.

Verse 29 reminds me of something that my grandmother has been teling us through the wonderful tales of stories of Swami Vivekananda... " Each soul is potentially divine". Everytime I hear this, I feel so empowered. So blessed.
The fact that there is some tremendous splendour and mystery trapped in each one of us, isn´t that a wonderful thing!

In this exposition on the Bhagwad Gita, Swami Ranganathananda also gives an example of the British poet, Robert Browning, who was very much influneced by th Vedantic ideas. Browning wrote a poem called Paracelsus. In that poem he speaks of the atman as the imprisoned splendour. Swami Ranganathanandaji says , there is a profound splendour in each one of us, but it is imprisoned by the mind body complex. One must release this imprisoned splendour.

The atman, the soul -- remains a mystery all through. However , the Gita says this mystery can be cleared through spiritual realizations.
As an individual, I feel elated to having been born in a family of spritual conscousness, striking a right balance with all the different path and being open minded enough to accept and sieve all that is good. Butwhat am I doing to spread this spritual awareness?

I wish I knew what to do ...